فلزیاب millennium 2000

مشخصات و امکانات دستگاه فلزیاب millennium 2000 – میلنیوم 2000 ساخت آمریکا

مناسب ترين دستگاه گنج یاب براي پيدا كردن طلاهايي كه مدت زيادي (بالاتر از 40 سال) در زمين دفن شده است .يكي از ساده ترين دستگاه ها با كارايي بسيار بالا .

 دستگاه فلزیاب millennium 2000 نه تنها قادر به تشخيص و رديابي طلا و نقره است بلكه مزيت ديگر آن رديابي و تشخيص الماس وجواهرات است .
شعاع جستجوي اين دستگاه چند مايل است و تا عمق 50متر قادر به رديابي فلزات ارزشمند مي باشد .البته شرايط خاك و حجم بار تاثير زيادي در عمق و شعاع جسنجوي دستگاه دارد.
با يك سيستم  Target Reflection Nullifier قوي تمام ذرات , خاك هاي آلوده اطراف هدف (كه عموم دستگا هها را به خطا مي اندازد)و مواد معدني را حذف كرده و شما را قادر مي سازد كه هدف اصلي را پيدا كنيد . باطري آن تا 22 ساعت استفاده متناوب دوام دارد و اين براي اهدافي كه دور از شهر براي شارژ باطري است دستگاه ايده الي مي باشد .
اين دستگاه به طور اتوماتيك خود را با شرايط خاك تنظيم ميكند و مواد معدني كه در خيلي از موارد جلوي تشخيص و تفكيك هدف را ميگيرند خنثي مي سازد.

The Millennium-2000 is an extremely accurate locator developed for finding LONG TIME BURIED TARGETS. Through years of testing, we have now built features into this easy to use machine found on no other long range locator. The KEYS to locating and pinpointing caches have now been solved. How did we accomplish this? Look at our many exclusive features, and you will soon realize what you have been missing! Also notice the many ways to evaluate your target “before you dig.” This is our main KEY to successful recovery.Whether you’re hunting large or small caches of GOLD – SILVER – DIAMONDS – JEWELRY the Millennium-2000 is the tool for you. The “2000” has been thoroughly field-tested in all parts of the world with great success!

Extremely advanced technology and simplicity of use, make this locator a favorite for every endeavor. Set-up the locator in seconds and you are searching at a high level of built-in precision for whatever your target is.After entering the frequency for the target desired, turn the Power Adjust for the distance or area you wish to search. Next adjust the Mass Discrimination to the size of target that you wish to find. The on board matrix module is automatically activated when the power switch is turned “on”. This feature ignores mineralization, hot rocks and many other problems. At this time you can activate our all new Auto Track and go directly to your target, or choose other options. After tracking target, you now have the targets size – depth – identification and the exact pinpoint!Frequencies are supplied in our owner manual, or the “TrailBlazer” has the ability to signature or fingerprint any object. Most common frequencies are gold, silver, diamonds, currency, platinum, emeralds, etc. The TrailBlazer also has the ability to signature the difference between refined gold and natural gold.

With all of the Exclusive Hi-Tech Features built in, you have power and precision at your command. All of this in a simple format! Your options are endless and easy!

Advanced Technology in One Simple Package

Deluxe external float charger

Obtain Size, Depth, Type of Treasure, and Pinpoint from One Set-up

Quality Components and Features Built-in

Fast Set-up and Search

Adaptable for Shipwreck and Water Hunting

Oil Field Exploration

Finds Treasure in the Toughest Soils

Great for Tunnels and Caves

امتیاز دهید
[کل: 5 میانگین: 4.2]

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